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Iowa JobNow/VetNow

Welcome to our marketing resources for the Iowa JobNow/VetNow program, designed with libraries in mind. Here you will find various items to help your program succeed.

Below you will find several JobNow/VetNow promotional images and files that you can directly download from this page. If you would like our graphic design team to create a customized image for you, or for any other special request, please contact us at [email protected].

Helpful Guides

Link Placement Guide PDF
User Guide PDF
Press release template doc

Print Collateral

For easy access, all of the print collateral is in PDF format. Simply download any items you would like to print. For your convenience, each file contains a text field if you would like to customize the directions for your patrons.

English JobNow/VetNow bookmark
English JobNow/VetNow bookmark
English JobNow/VetNow Flyer
VetNow Flyer
Spanish JobNow/VetNow flyer
Spanish JobNow/VetNow flyer
English JobNow/VetNow Flyer v2
English JobNow/VetNow Flyer v2
JobNow/VetNow Poster
JobNow/VetNow Poster
Spanish JobNow/VetNow poster
Spanish JobNow/VetNow poster
English JobNow/VetNow half sheet
English JobNow/VetNow half sheet
English job seeker focused half-sheet
English job seeker focused half-sheet
Veteran focused half sheet
Veteran focused half sheet
Focused minis (4 per page)

Website Promos

Click on the web promo you would like to use. Then save the image to download the full-size. Banners are in various sizes to accommodate different website layouts.



Brainfuse tutors are unavailable on some holidays. The images below can be shared to let your community know that tutoring is unavailable.

Social Media Posts for Job Seekers

Get your FREE professional resume review today and step confidently into the job market this fall!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Visit [Website Link] and click Resume Lab.
  2. Upload your resume.
  3. Our experienced professionals will provide personalized feedback and tips to make your resume stand out.

#FallIntoSuccess #CareerAdvancement #ResumeReview #FreeService #JobSearch #CareerDevelopment #GetHired #UpgradeYourResume

Get personalized assistance navigating VA benefits including education programs and career development. Brainfuse VetNow navigators are here to support you every step of the way. Simply log in to VetNow from [your library’s website] and connect with a live navigator to guide you with maximizing your well-deserved benefits. #BrainfuseCommunity #VeteranBenefits #SupportingHeroes #ThankYouForYourService

Ace your interview by practicing with Brainfuse Interview Coaches! Gain the confidence and skills you need to impress employers, tackle tough questions, and stand out from the crowd. Your dream job awaits – let’s get you there! #JobInterviewPrep #BrainfuseCoaches #CareerSuccess #BrainfuseCommunity #FindAJob

If you are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. To receive unemployment insurance benefits, you need to file a claim with the unemployment insurance program in the state where you worked. This can be confusing; don’t worry! The Brainfuse Unemployment Benefits Navigators are here to help. Connect with a live unemployment benefits navigator by visiting here [library URL]. #Unemployed #UnemploymentBenefits #Jobs #LookingForaJob #WhatLibrariesDo #BrainfuseCommunity

Calling all military veterans! Are you transitioning from the military to civilian life and need help creating a resume that showcases your skills and experience? Look no further than your local library! We’re proud to offer Brainfuse Vet Now, a free resource for veterans transitioning to civilian life. The SkillsFirst section program includes expert advice, templates, and tips to help you translate your military experience into civilian terms and stand out in your job search. Best of all, it’s completely free! Visit [URL] today!  #MilitaryVeterans #ResumeBuilder #LibraryResources #CareerTransition #FreeProgram #BrainfuseCommunity

Do you need help finding a job but are not sure who can help you? Visit [URL] to connect with a free online job coach to help you find a new job this summer. #JobSearchHelp #BrainfuseCommunity #NewJob #Employment #JobSeeker

Are you struggling with creating a strong resume that highlights your skills and experiences? Look no further! Getting a resume review can make all the difference when it comes to landing your dream job. With the help of a professional, you can create a resume that effectively communicates your unique qualifications and sets you apart from the competition. Take advantage of the Brainfuse VetNow resources at [URL] and get the support you deserve. Thank you for your service and best of luck in your job search! #VeteranSupport #ResumeReview #CareerDevelopment #BrainfuseCommunity

Are you looking to make a career change or re-enter the workforce? Connect with a live resume coach and get personalized advice on how to write a resume that stands out from the competition. You can also submit your resume for free professional feedback. With the help of an experienced coach, you will be able to create a professional resume that will help you land the job of your dreams. Visit JobNow here [URL]. #JobSeeker #ResumeHelp #BrainfuseCommunity #ResumeReview #FindAJob

Quick tip for a military-to-civilian resume: focus on the experience that is relevant to the job for which you’re applying. To get specific insight on translating your military skills to civilian careers, visit (URL) to connect with an expert. #MilitaryToCivilianCareer #ResumeTip #BrainfuseCommunity #Veterans #JobsForVeterans

Do you want to find a job that really fits your skills and interests? Go to [URL] and visit JobNow’s eParachute tool to discover your dream job. Then explore career ideas by learning about job details, salaries, and more. #BrainfuseCommunity #FindaJob #eParachute #WhatColorIsYourParachute #DreamJob #JobSeeker

When leaving the military, one of the hardest things is figuring out how the skills you learned translate to civilian careers. With your library card, you can get FREE, anonymous help job searching, figuring out a career path, and even a professional resume review. Visit [URL] to get live help. #SupportOurVeterans #VABenefits #VeteranLife #MilitarytoCivilian #Veteran #BrainfuseCommunity

If you are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. To receive unemployment insurance benefits, you need to file a claim with the unemployment insurance program in the state where you worked. This can be confusing; don’t worry! The Brainfuse Unemployment Benefits Navigators are here to help. #Unemployed #UnemploymentBenefits #Jobs #LookingForaJob #WhatLibrariesDo #BrainfuseCommunity

A great resume is essential to landing the right job and there are elements that will help you stand out from other applicants. Use the VetNow resume help to connect with a resume coach or use the resume lab for a free professional resume review. Visit [URL].  #BrainfuseCommunity #Employment #JobHunting #ResumeReview #ResumeHelp #ResumeWriting

Leaving the military and not sure what’s next for your career? Visit eParachute to discover what you love to do and how you work best to create personalized career ideas. Then explore career options by learning about job details, salaries, and more. #FindaJob #eParachute #WhatColorIsYourParachute #DreamJob #JobSeeker

Do you need to write or update your resume for a civilian career and are not sure how to start? Visit VetNow and use the resume builder to access over 500 sample templates to help you get started. #Veterans #BrainfuseCommunity #CivilianCareer #ResumeTemplates #LibrariesTransform #WhatLibrariesdo #MilitaryToCivilian

If you are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. To receive unemployment insurance benefits, you need to file a claim with the unemployment insurance program in the state where you worked. This can be confusing; don’t worry! The Brainfuse Unemployment Benefits Navigators are here to help. #Unemployed #UnemploymentBenefits #Jobs #LookingForaJob #WhatLibrariesDo #BrainfuseCommunity

Make your job hunting a little less stressful. Visit your library’s website and go to JobNow for templates and resume building. Then get expert feedback from a resume coach. #jobhunting #resumetemplate #writearesume #freeresumereview #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Brainfuse job coaches can help you with your resume AND help you prep for that all-important job interview. Get that job you’ve been wanting! #jobcoaching #jobinterviewprep #findajob #employment #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Did you know that with your library card you can get FREE job coaching? Visit your library’s website to find Brainfuse for professional assistance with all stages of job hunting including online applications, resumes, interviews, and more!  #jobcoaching #jobinterviewprep #findajob #employment #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Looking to turn over a new leaf this fall? Visit your library’s website to find Brainfuse JobNow, where you can create a resume to be the pick of the patch or practice interviewing to squash your nerves. #jobcoaching #jobinterviewprep #findajob #employment #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity


If the changing season has you considering a move in your career, visit your library’s website to find Brainfuse JobNow. With Brainfuse JobNow, you can meet with a live online job coach for help searching for your ideal job, creating a new resume, or preparing for your upcoming interview. #jobcoaching #jobinterviewprep #findajob #employment #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

One of the most recommended tips for resume writing is to have someone review it. You only have a few moments to make an impression and increasingly employers are using software to assist them with processing applications. To help your resume stand out, visit JobNow to get FREE personalized, professional feedback on your resume. #freeresumereview #jobhunting #employment #resume #jobs #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Ready to make a splash in the job market? Stand out in the pool of applicants with a sunny resume or cool down your nerves through interview practice by visiting your library’s website to dive into free online job coaching with Brainfuse JobNow. #makeasplash #summerjob #jobapplication #freejobcoaching #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity


Looking for a summer job or career change? Visit your library’s website and find Brainfuse JobNow to work on your resume, practice interviewing with a live online job coach, or review lessons to give you an edge. #summerjob #jobapplication #freejobcoaching #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Unhappy with your job? Looking for a warming change in your career? Visit your library’s website and connect with a live online job coach through Brainfuse JobNow to build a resume or thaw your interviewing skills. #winterjob #jobseeker #employment #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity


Prepare for the new year by updating your resume, practicing your interviewing skills, and developing your skills. Check out your library’s website now to find Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow and connect with an expert job coach today! #winterjob #jobseeker #employment #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Did you know that you can connect with a live online job coach to prepare for your interview? And with your library card, it’s FREE! #jobcoaching #jobinterviewprep #findajob #employment #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Social Media Posts for Veterans

Sometimes it is hard to ask for help. [Name of library] offers Brainfuse VetNow where you can connect anonymously with a veteran to get help figuring out VA benefits. #Veterans #VABenefits #BrainfuseCommunity

Are you finishing your military career and not sure what to do next? Get your [name of library] card and use VetNow to connect with a live veteran navigator and get free assistance from a veteran with your VA benefits. You can also get help with job hunting, resumes, interviews, and building your academic skills. #BrainfuseCommunity #GetLibraryCarded #LibraryCardSignUp #Veterans #MilitarytoCivilian

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As a veteran, there are many benefits to help you and your family buy homes, earn degrees, start careers, stay healthy, and more. It can be difficult to find the help you need. Brainfuse Veteran Navigators are available to help you determine your eligible benefits. Simply visit the [name of library’s] website to get free, anonymous assistance.  #vetnow #veterans #militarytocivilianlife #BrainfuseCommunity #librariestransform #whatlibrariesdo #VAbenefits #buyahome #earnadegree #startyourcareer #stayhealthy

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As a veteran, you may be eligible for benefits. But figuring out your edibility can be a challenge. Connect with a live veteran navigator to get free assistance determining your VA eligibility. All Brainfuse navigators are veterans. Visit [URL] to connect. #VABenefits #Veterans #BrainfuseCommunity #ThankYouForYourService

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Are you a veteran? Do you know a veteran? Using their library card, you can get free live online assistance from veterans to help you discover your VA benefits. Visit [URL]. #SupportOurVeterans #VABenefits #2022Goals #Veteran

Are you a veteran, or do you know a veteran, who is transitioning from military to civilian life? Visit [your library’s website] to find VetNow to connect with a live veteran navigator and get free assistance from a veteran with your VA benefits. You can also get help with job hunting, resumes, interviews, and building your academic skills. #BrainfuseCommunity #librariestransform #GetLibraryCarded #LibraryCardSignUp #Veterans #MilitarytoCivilian

Do you need a few more reasons to love your library? With your library card you can get free help with eligible VA benefits and updating your resume from military to civilian careers.  #vetnow #veterans #militarytocivilianlife #BrainfuseCommunity #librariestransform #whatlibrariesdo #resumereview #resumes #findajob #employment #libraryloversmonth

Returning to civilian life can be a big change. Get help with the transition by connecting with an anonymous live veteran navigator. All Brainfuse navigators are veterans.  #Veterans #BrainfuseCommunity #LibrariesTransform #WhatLibrariesdo #VABenefits #MilitaryToCivilian

As a veteran, there are many benefits to help you and your family buy homes, earn degrees, start careers, stay healthy, and more. It can be difficult to find the help you need. Brainfuse Veteran Navigators are available to help you determine your eligible benefits. Simply visit the [name of library’s] website to get free, anonymous assistance.  #vetnow #veterans #militarytocivilianlife #BrainfuseCommunity #librariestransform #whatlibrariesdo #VAbenefits #buyahome #earnadegree #startyourcareer #stayhealthy

Social Media Posts for Learners

Read lessons. Watch videos. Take tests. Know more. Visit the SkillSurfer section of VetNow to build your skills in hundreds of academic topics. Go here [url] to get started. #BrainfuseCommunity #Veterans #AdultLearners #SkillsBuilding #TheMoreYouKnow

Rake up the skills you need to succeed to return to school or improve your career. Access a cornucopia of resources and live assistance by visiting your library’s website to find Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow. #adultlearners #buildskills #returntoschool #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity


Get support developing the skills you need to return to school or improve your career this autumn. Visit your library’s website to find Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow for videos, lessons, and live online support with expert tutors. #adultlearners #buildskills #returntoschool #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Be prepared for the new school year by taking practice tests and building your skills. #testprep #practicetests #skillsbuilding #learn #knowmore #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity

Summer is a great time to build your skills. Visit LearnNow to view lessons, use flashcards, and/or watch videos. #BrainfuseCommunity #LibrariesTransform #WhatLibrariesdo #LearnNow #PracticeTests #BuildYourSkills #Veterans #BrainfuseCommunity #LibrariesTransform

Training Videos

Brainfuse has created short video tutorials for each aspect of JobNow/VetNow so that you can quickly and easily get additional information about available features.

Please note – the layout for the homepage on the JobNow and VetNow videos differs from the IA statewide program. Despite the visual differences, the content is accurate.

Overview video of VetNow
Watch the VetNow overview video
JobNow overview video
View the JobNow overview video.
Watch the resume resources and reviews video
Watch the live veteran navigator and veteran resources video
Watch the career assessment video
Watch the interview resources & coaching video
Watch the SkillSurfer/LearnNow video
Job coaches and resources video
View job coaches and resources video