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Iowa HelpNow

Welcome to our marketing resources for the Iowa HelpNow program, designed with libraries in mind. Here you will find various items to help your program succeed.

Below you will find several HelpNow promotional images and files that you can directly download from this page. If you would like our graphic design team to create a customized image for you, or for any other special request, please contact us at [email protected].

Helpful Guides

Link Placement Guide PDF
User Guide PDF
Press release template doc
HelpNow Homework Help
HelpNow Logo

Print Collateral

For easy access, all of the print collateral is in PDF format. Simply download any items you would like to print. For your convenience, each file has been customized with the State Library of Iowa information.

Online Tutoring Bookmark
Homework Help Bookmark
Back to School Bookmark
Writing Lab Bookmark
Writing Lab Bookmark
Summer Skills Bookmark
Practice Tests Bookmark
Practice Test Bookmark
Spanish Tutoring Bookmark
Homework Help Flyer
Homework Help Flyer
Reduce the COVID slide
Online Tutoring Flyer
Spanish Flyer
Online Tutoring Flyer
Online Tutoring Poster
Online Tutoring Poster
Homework Help Poster
Online Tutoring Poster
Summer Skills Poster
Writing Lab Poster
Writing Lab Poster
Back to School Poster
Spanish Online Tutoring Poster
Practice Test Poster
Practice Test Poster
Back to School Poster
Homework Help Half Sheet
Spanish Half Sheet
Online Tutoring Half Sheet
Adult Learning Center Half Sheet

Website Promos

Click on the web promo you would like to use. Then save the image to download the full-size.

Web Promo Get homework HelpNow
HelpNow Web Promo - Minimal Online Tutoring
Homework Help promo
Rainbow Writing Lab Web Promo
HelpNow Web Promo - Minimal Writing Lab
Got homework? HelpNow graphic
Rainbow Online Practice Tests Web Promo
HelpNow Web Promo - Minimal Practice Tests

Holiday Closures

Brainfuse tutors are unavailable on some holidays. The images below can be shared to let your community know that tutoring is unavailable.

This fall don’t leaf your success to chance! Connect with a Brainfuse online tutor for free help on your homework. Visit [URL] to get started. #FreeTutoring #BrainfuseCommunity #LibrariesTransform #OnlineTutoring #HomeworkHelp #FallIntoLearning

Get ready to succeed this school year! With Brainfuse Online Tutoring, you can conquer tough subjects and boost grades with personalized support. Whether it’s brushing up on math, conquering tricky science concepts, or improving your writing skills, Brainfuse tutors are here to help you succeed #BackToSchoolSuccess #BrainfuseTutoring #UnlockYourPotential #BrainfuseCommunity #OnlineTutoring

Get ready to delve into a world of knowledge, expand your horizons, and achieve your educational goals. Brainfuse offers an innovative and personalized approach to adult learning, tailored to suit your unique needs. Whether you’re brushing up on essential skills, preparing for a career change, or simply exploring new subjects, Brainfuse can help. Visit [URL] to connect with a live tutor today! #BrainfuseAdultLearning #KnowledgeIsPower #UnlockYourPotential #LifelongLearning #EducationMatters #BrainfuseCommunity

Don’t let what you learned in school fade away this summer! Like any other skill, they require practice to stay sharp. Keep your brain engaged and prevent the summer slide by visiting the Online Summer Skills Camp. Join the Brainfuse Community now and level up your skills! #BrainfuseCommunity #SummerSkills #BrainExercises #OnlineSummerSkillsCamp #LearnNewSkills

The end of the school year means finals and projects are due! But don’t worry, you can visit [URL] to connect with a free live online tutor to help you succeed. #BrainfuseCommunity #OnlineTutoring #EndofSchoolYear #SchoolSuccess #HomeworkHelp

Are you feeling overwhelmed with test preparation? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Studying for exams can be tough, but it’s important to remember that there’s always help available. Visit SkillSurfer in Brainfuse HelpNow for test prep resources, practice tests, and even connect with a tutor for personalized assistance. Visit [URL] for free test prep.

Remember, your hard work and dedication will pay off in the end. Good luck with your studies, and don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way! #TestPrep #StudySuccess #YouCanDoIt #OnlineTutoring #BrainfuseCommunity

From college application essays to the SAT, school reports, and even creative writing, get free feedback on any type of writing. You can connect with a live tutor for immediate help or use the writing lab for thorough feedback. #ImproveYourWriting #WritingGoals #WritingLab #LibrariesTransform #BrainfuseCommunity #WritingHomework #CreativeWriting #HomeworkHelp #OnlineTutoring

Struggling with math can be frustrating and intimidating. But you don’t have to go it alone. Brainfuse live online tutoring from the [name of library] is a great way to connect with experienced and knowledgeable math tutors who can help you understand your math homework better. With personalized guidance, these tutors can help you make sense of the concepts and equations that are giving you trouble, allowing you to develop a deeper understanding of the material. With their help, you’ll be able to tackle even the toughest math problems with confidence. #HomeworkHelp #MathHomework #BrainfuseCommunity #OnlineTutoring #MathHelp

Start 2023 with online homework help from Brainfuse. Get free help in math, science, reading, and more! Visit (URL) to get homework help from a professional online tutor. #OnlineTutoring #BrainfuseCommunity #HomeworkHelp #MathHelp

Take your learning on the go with the Brainfuse app. Search for Brainfuse in the App and/or Google Play stores.  #FreeOnlineTutoring #LibrariesTransform #BrainfuseCommunity #LearningOnTheGo #BrainfuseApp #HomeworkHelp

Don’t struggle with your homework. Be a smart cookie! Visit (URL) for free live online tutoring. Connect with an expert today! #FreeOnlineTutoring #LibrariesTransform #BrainfuseCommunity #WhatDoYouWantToLearn #SmartCookie #OnlineTutoring

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In addition to taking practice tests, a tip for successful test preparation is to explain your answer to others. This helps you get a clear idea in your head AND highlights any areas where you may need to build skills. But it may not be easy to find someone to explain answers to. Connect with a Brainfuse tutor to review practice tests and build your skills. #BrainfuseCommunity #PracticeTests #TestPreparation #StandardizedTests #TestTips

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Free online homework help from a professional tutor? Yes, please! Get your [name of library] card and use HelpNow for free access to online tutoring, homework help, practice tests, writing reviews, study tools, and more! #LibraryCard #FreeTutoring #BrainfuseCommunity #GetLibraryCarded #LibraryCardSignUp #LibrariesTransform #OnlineTutoring #HomeworkHelp

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When you are putting your school supplies in your backpack, don’t forget to include Brainfuse live online homework help. It’s available for free with your library card at [name of library].  #LibraryCard #FreeTutoring #BrainfuseCommunity #LibrariesTransform #OnlineTutoring #HomeworkHelp #BackToSchool

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Brainfuse is more than homework help. You can also build your skills by connecting with a live tutor, viewing videos, completing practice tests, and even playing study games with Flashbulb. What do you want to learn this fall? #TheMoreYouKnow #BrainfuseCommunity #WhatDoYouWantToLearn #FallIntoLearning #OnlineTutoring

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No matter where you are, get free live online homework help, play games, take practice tests, and learn. Connect with a live tutor from any device with an internet connection. Visit [URL]. #LibraryCard #FreeTutoring #BrainfuseCommunity #LibrariesTransform #OnlineTutoring #HomeworkHelp #LearnAnywhere

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Academic skills are like other skills: use them or lose them. Keep your brain sharp by visiting the Online Summer Skills Camp. Visit [URL] to discover what you want to learn more about. #BrainfuseCommunity #SummerSkills #BrainExercises

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Attention Adult Learners: Do you need to prepare for your GED? Visit the HelpNow Adult Learning Center to take a practice test, build your skills, and so much more. Visit [URL].  #BrainfuseCommunity #OnlineTutoring #AdultLearners #HighSchoolEquivalency #GEDTest

Spring is in the air and there’s no better time for growth. Connect with a live online tutor to get help with your homework. Visit [url]. #BrainfuseCommunity #HomeworkHelp #OnlineTutoring #SpringintoLearning #Learn

Use your library card to get free live online homework help. Visit [url]. #AllYouNeedisLove #LibraryCard #LibraryLoversMonth #BrainfuseCommunity #HomeworkHelp #OnlineTutoring

The end of the semester means tests, projects, and more are due. Get prepared with help from a live online tutor. Visit [add your URL here] to connect today! #Finals #TermPaper #SchoolProjects #EndofSemester #HomeworkHelp #OnlineTutoring

From college application essays to the SAT, school reports, and even creative writing, get free feedback on any type of writing. You can connect with a live tutor for immediate help or use the writing lab for thorough feedback. #ImproveYourWriting #WritingGoals #WritingLab #LibrariesTransform #BrainfuseCommunity #WritingHomework #CreativeWriting #HomeworkHelp #OnlineTutoring

Your library card is your ticket to learning. Get your [name of library] card and use HelpNow for free access to online tutoring, homework help, practice tests, writing reviews, study tools, and more! #LibraryCard #FreeTutoring #BrainfuseCommunity #GetLibraryCarded #LibraryCardSignUp #LibrariesTransform #OnlineTutoring #HomeworkHelp

Studies show that nearly all students have been affected by the “COVID slide”. Get back on track with Brainfuse HelpNow to access free online tutoring lessons, videos, and games. #covidslide #summerskills #Brainfuse #HelpNow #whatlibrariesdo #librariestransform #onlinetutoring #onlinelearning

Let’s celebrate Library Lovers’ Month! With your library card, you have access to free online homework help, writing feedback, test prep, lessons, videos, study tools, and more! What else do you love about your library? #brainfuse #helpnow #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity #onlinelearning, #distancelearninghelp #homeworkhelp #study #learning #libraryloversmonth #loveyourlibrary

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Happy Library Lovers’ Month! With your library card, you can get free online homework help. How has using your library card transformed your life? #helpnow, #homeworkhelp, #libraryloversmonth, #BrainfuseCommunity, #librariestransform, #whatlibrariesdo

Did you know HelpNow can assist adult learners too? With your library card you can get help with skills-building, US Citizenship test preparation, high school equivalency tests, resumes, and so much more! #AdultLearners #WhatLibrariesDo #OnlineTutoring #USCitizenship #BrainfuseCommunity #BuildYourSkills

Spring begins in a couple of short weeks and it is a great time to remember that [name of library] offers live homework help, a writing lab, practice tests and so much more with Brainfuse HelpNow. Don’t forget it is all free with your library card!  #helpnow #homeworkhelp #springintolearning #BrainfuseCommunity #librariestransform #whatlibrariesdo #freeonlinetutoring #improveyourwriting #writinglab #practicetests

Keep learning every day! Visit the Summer Skills Camp for fun learning activities. #brainfuse #helpnow #whatlibrariesdo #avoidthesummereslide #summerlearning #summerskillscamp


Hello summer! Visit HelpNow and keep your skills fresh with fun learning lessons, videos, and games in the online summer skills camp. #Brainfuse #HelpNow #WhatLibrariesDo #BrainfuseCommunity #OnlineLearning #SummerLearning #FunWithLearning #BrainGames #OnlineTutoring

Need help understanding your assignments? Visit Brainfuse HelpNow to get FREE online one-to-one tutoring. #helpnow #homeworkhelp #elearning #BrainfuseCommunity #librariestransform #whatlibrariesdo #freeonlinetutoring #distancelearning

— or —

Are you feeling overwhelmed with your homework? The [name of library] can help! Use your library card to connect with a FREE online tutor. #brainfuse #helpnow #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity #onlinelearning, #distancelearninghelp #homeworkhelp

The school year is right around the corner. Whether you are learning from home, learning at school, or in a combination of ways, Brainfuse tutors are here to help! #brainfuse #helpnow #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity #backtoschool #onlinelearning #distancelearning #onlinetutoring #homeworkhelp


Back to school means back to homework, ugh! But don’t let homework overwhelm you. Use your library card to connect with a free online tutor! #HelpNow #OnlineTutoring #BackToSchool #HomeworkHelp #WhatLibrariesDo #LibraryCard #FreeTutoring #BrainfuseCommunity

Reach your learning goals with Brainfuse HelpNow. Connect with a live online tutor, take a practice test, get feedback on your writing, and so much more! All you need is your [name of library] card, computer or mobile device, and an internet connection to get started.  #brainfuse #helpnow #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity #onlinelearning #distancelearninghelp #homeworkhelp #onlinetutoring #learninggoals

Are you preparing for an upcoming standardized test? Not sure what to do after you finish a practice test? Brainfuse HelpNow has live tutors who can help! Take a practice test then connect with a live tutor to share your results and build your skills. #TestPrep #StandardizedTests #BrainfuseCommunity #BuildYourSkills #ACT #SAT #GED

Sometimes getting started on a paper is the hardest step! Connect with a live writing expert for help brainstorming. You can even get a review of your paper in a live session or through the writing lab. Use your library card to connect with a FREE online tutor. #brainfuse #helpnow #whatlibrariesdo #BrainfuseCommunity #onlinelearning, #distancelearninghelp #homeworkhelp #improveyourwriting #brainstorming #writing

As the school year comes to an end, connect to Brainfuse to prepare for your upcoming finals.Take a practice test in SkillSurfer and connect with a tutor to review your results and build your skills. #Brainfuse #HelpNow #WhatLibrariesDo #BrainfuseCommunity #OnlineLearning #HomeworkHelp #Finals #PracticeTests #OnlineTutoring

Training Videos

Brainfuse has created short video tutorials for each aspect of HelpNow so you can quickly and easily get additional information about available features.

HelpNow Overview video
View the HelpNow overview video
Brainfuse Learning Account video
Watch the learning account video
SkillSurfer video
Watch the SkillSurfer video
MEET video
Watch the MEET video
Cloudpack video
Watch the Cloudpack video
Brainfuse Classroom video
View the Brainfuse classroom video
Writing Lab video
Watch the writing lab video
LEAP Learning Platform video
Watch the LEAP Learning Platform video
Brainwave video
Watch the Brainwave video
Mobile App video
Watch the mobile app video
Live Tutoring video
Watch the live tutoring video
Send Question video
Watch the send question video
Flashbulb video
Watch the Flashbulb video
Adult Learning Center video
Watch the Adult Learning Center video

To download the social media back-to-school video, click here. Then right-click to save the video to your device.