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Welcome to our marketing resources for California VetNow, designed with libraries in mind. Here you will find various items to help your program succeed.

Below you will find several VetNow promotional images and files that you can directly download from this page. If you would like our graphic design team to create a customized image for you, or for any other special request, please contact us at [email protected].

This project was supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library

Helpful Guides

Link Placement Guide PDF
VetNow Logo - PNG

Print Collateral

For easy access, all of the print collateral is in PDF format. Simply download any items you would like to print. For your convenience, each file has been customized with the California State Library information and includes text fields that you can customize.
Business Cards

Web Banner

Click on the web banner you would like to use. Then right-click and choose “Save image as…” to download the full size.

Web Banner 300x300
Web Banner 300x600
Web Banner 300x250
Web Banner 336x280

Social Media

When you share on social media, it is always a good idea to add hashtags for increased engagement. Next to each image, we have included text and hashtags that you can use when you share to make it as easy as possible to promote on social media platforms. You may want to add hashtags specific to your location/library.

Click on the social media image you would like to use. Then right-click and choose “Save image as…” to download the full-size. Promos are 1080 x 1080 pixels which will work best on Facebook and Instagram.

Holiday Closures

Brainfuse tutors are unavailable on some holidays. The images below can be shared to let your community know that tutoring is unavailable.

Veteran Benefits

Get help making 2024 your year! Connect with an online Veteran Navigator or use the Veteran Resources to discover your VA benefits. Visit (url). #Veterans #VABenefits #BrainfuseCommunity #2024Goals


¡Qué el 2024 sea su año! Reciba ayuda y conéctese con un navegador de veteranos en línea o use los Recursos para Veteranos para descubrir sus beneficios de VA. Visite (URL). #Veteranos #BeneficiosParaVeteranos #Brainfuse #PropósitosPara2024

As a veteran, there are many benefits to help you and your family buy homes, earn degrees, start careers, stay healthy, and more. It can be difficult to find the help you need. Brainfuse Veteran Navigators are available to help you determine your eligible benefits. Simply visit the [name of library’s] website to get free, anonymous assistance.  #vetnow #veterans #militarytocivilianlife #BrainfuseCommunity #librariestransform #whatlibrariesdo #VAbenefits #buyahome #earnadegree #startyourcareer #stayhealthy

As a veteran, there are many benefits to help you and your family buy homes, earn degrees, start careers, stay healthy, and more. It can be difficult to find the help you need. Brainfuse Veteran Navigators are available to help you determine your eligible benefits. Simply visit the [name of library’s] website to get free, anonymous assistance.  #vetnow #veterans #militarytocivilianlife #BrainfuseCommunity #librariestransform #whatlibrariesdo #VAbenefits #buyahome #earnadegree #startyourcareer #stayhealthy

Sometimes it is hard to ask for help. [Name of library] offers Brainfuse VetNow where you can connect anonymously with a veteran to get help figuring out VA benefits. #Veterans #VABenefits #BrainfuseCommunity

A veces es difícil pedir ayuda. [Name of library] ofrece Brainfuse VetNow donde usted puede conectarse de forma anónima con un veterano para recibir ayuda con los beneficios de VA. #Veteranos #BeneficiosDeVeteranos #Brainfuse

Veterans have a unique set of challenges, and the library is one of the best places to get free live online assistance from veterans who can help you discover your VA benefits. With their [name of library] library card, veterans can access VetNow which includes a wide range of online resources and live veteran navigators that are dedicated to helping them understand their rights and benefits. #HelpForVeterans #VABenefits #BrainfuseCommunity

Los veteranos enfrentan desafíos únicos, y la biblioteca es uno de los mejores lugares para recibir asistencia gratis en línea y en vivo para ayudarlo a descubrir los beneficios VA. Con su tarjeta de [name of library], los veteranos pueden acceder a VetNow lo cual incluye una amplia variedad de recursos en línea como los navegadores veteranos en vivo quienes están dedicados a ayudarlo a entender sus derechos y beneficios. #AyudaParaVeteranos #BeneficiosVA #Brainfuse

Get personalized assistance navigating VA benefits including education programs and career development. Brainfuse VetNow navigators are here to support you every step of the way. Simply log in to VetNow from [your library’s website] and connect with a live navigator to guide you with maximizing your well-deserved benefits. #BrainfuseCommunity #VeteranBenefits #SupportingHeroes #ThankYouForYourService

Reciba asistencia personalizada con los beneficios para veteranos incluyendo programas educativos y desarrollo profesional. Los navegadores de Brainfuse VetNow están aquí para apoyarlo en cada paso del camino. Simplemente ingrese a VetNow desde [URL] y conéctese con un navegador en vivo para guiarlo a optimizar sus beneficios bien merecidos. #Brainfuse #BeneficiosParaVeteranos #ApoyandoALosHeroes #GraciasPorSuServicio


Quick tip for a military-to-civilian resume: focus on experience that is relevant to the job for which you’re applying. To get specific insight on translating your military skills to civilian careers, visit [URL] to connect with an expert. #MilitaryToCivilianCareer #ResumeTip #BrainfuseCommunity #Veterans #JobsForVeterans

Un consejo rápido para convertir un currículum militar en uno civil: enfóquese en la experiencia que es relevante al empleo que usted está solicitando. Para recibir consejos personalizados para la aplicación de sus habilidades militares a las carreras civiles, visite [URL] para conectarse con un experto. #MilitarACivil #ConsejosDeCurrículum #Brainfuse #Veteranos #EmpleosParaVeteranos

Are you struggling with creating a strong resume that highlights your skills and experiences? Look no further! Getting a resume review can make all the difference when it comes to landing your dream job. With the help of a professional, you can create a resume that effectively communicates your unique qualifications and sets you apart from the competition. Take advantage of the Brainfuse VetNow resources at [URL] and get the support you deserve. Thank you for your service and best of luck in your job search! #VeteranSupport #ResumeReview #CareerDevelopment #BrainfuseCommunity

¿Lucha crear un currículum que destaca sus habilidades y experiencias? ¡No busque más! Una revisión de su currículum podría marcar la diferencia cuando quiere conseguir el empleo de sus sueños. Con la ayuda de un profesional, puede crear un currículum que comunica efectivamente sus cualificaciones únicas que te distinguen de la competencia. Aproveche de los recursos de Brainfuse VetNow en [URL] para recibir el apoyo que merece. ¡Gracias por su servicio y mucha suerte en su búsqueda de empleo! #ApoyoParaVeteranos #RevisiónDeCurrículum #DesarolloDeCarrera #Brainfuse

Calling all military veterans! Are you transitioning from the military to civilian life and need help creating a resume that showcases your skills and experience? Look no further than your local library! We’re proud to offer Brainfuse Vet Now, a free resource for veterans transitioning to civilian life. The SkillsFirst section program includes expert advice, templates, and tips to help you translate your military experience into civilian terms and stand out in your job search. Best of all, it’s completely free! Visit [URL] today!  #MilitaryVeterans #ResumeBuilder #LibraryResources #CareerTransition #FreeProgram #BrainfuseCommunity

¡Llamando a todos los veteranos militares! ¿Está en la transición de la vida militar a la vida civil y necesita ayuda en crear un currículum que demuestra sus habilidades y experiencia? No busque más lejos que su biblioteca local. Con orgullo ofrecemos el servicio de Brainfuse VetNow: un servicio con recursos para los veteranos en transición hacia una vida civil. La sección de SkillsFirst ofrece cosejos expertos, plantillas, y sugerencias para convertir su experiencia en términos civiles y destacarse en su busqueda de empleo. Lo mejor de todo, ¡es totalmente gratis! ¡Visite [URL] hoy! #VeteranosMilitares #EscribirUnCurrículum #RecursosDeBiblioteca #TransiciónDeCarrera #ProgramaGratis #Brainfuse

Tip to translate your resume: Steer clear of military jargon and complex language. Remember, most civilian employers may not be familiar with military terms or understand your job title. Keep it clear and concise. Need extra assistance? Connect with a VetNow resume expert who can provide valuable guidance and help you optimize your resume. #BrainfuseCommunity #ResumeTranslation #VetNowExperts #JobSeeker #Veterans

Un consejo rápido para convertir su currículum: evite el uso de jerga militar y lenguaje complejo. Acuérdese que la mayoría de los empleadores civiles quizás no estén familiarizados con los términos y los títulos de los puestos militares. Mantenga el currículum conciso y claro. Conéctese con un experto de currículum de VetNow para recibir consejos valiosos y ayuda para optimizar su currículum. #Brainfuse #ConversiónDeCurrículum #ExpertosDeVetNow #BuscadoresDeEmpleo #Veteranos


Explore lessons, view instructional videos, and complete tests to expand your knowledge. Head to the SkillSurfer area on VetNow to enhance your skills across numerous academic subjects. Start your learning journey by visiting [url]. #BrainfuseCommunity #Veterans #AdultLearners #SkillsBuilding #KnowledgeIsPower

Explore lecciones, vea videos instructivos, y tome pruebas para ampliar sus conocimientos. Entre en el SkillSurfer de VetNow para mejorar sus habilidades de varios temas académicos. Comience su jornada de aprendizaje y visite [url]. #Brainfuse #Veteranos #EstudiantesAdultos #MejorarHabilidades #ConocimientoEsPoder

Are you looking to improve your writing skills? Look no further than Brainfuse VetNow’s Writing Lab! Whether you’re crafting an email, working on essays, or simply honing your communication skills, the Brainfuse Writing Lab is here to support you every step of the way. It’s never too late to sharpen your writing abilities and reach your academic and professional goals. Visit [URL] to get help. #BrainfuseCommunity #Veterans #ThankYouForYourService #AdultLearners #WritingSkills #Education #WritingTutors #PersonalizedFeedback #SkillsImprovement #LearnAndGrow

¿Quiere mejorar sus habilidades de redacción? No busque más, ¡lo tiene en el Centro de Redacción de Brainfuse VetNow! Tanto en la redacción de un email o ensayo como en la perfección de sus habilidades comunicativas, el Centro de Redacción le apoyará en cada paso. Nunca es demasiado tarde para afinar sus habilidades de redacción y alcanzar sus metas académicas y profesionales. Visite [URL] para recibir ayuda. #Brainfuse #Veteranos #GraciasPorSuServicio #EstudiantesAdultos #HabilidadesDeRedacción #Educación #TutoresDeRedacción #RetroalimentaciónPersonalizada #MejorarSusHabilidades #AprendeYCrece

Read lessons. Watch videos. Take tests. Know more. Visit the SkillSurfer section of VetNow to build your skills in hundreds of academic topics. Go here [url] to get started. #BrainfuseCommunity #Veterans #AdultLearners #SkillsBuilding #TheMoreYouKnow
Lea las lecciones. Vea videos. Tome pruebas. Aprenda más. Visite la sección de SillSurfer de VetNow para mejorar sus habilidades en cientos de temas académicas. Acceda [url] para comenzar. #Brainfuse #Veteranos #EstudiantesAdultos #MejorarTusHabilidades #CuantoMásSepa

Training Videos

Brainfuse has created short video tutorials for each aspect of VetNow so you can quickly and easily get additional information about available features.

Overview video of VetNow
Watch the VetNow overview video
Watch the live veteran navigator and veteran resources video
SkillSurfer video
Watch the SkillSurfer video
Brainfuse Classroom video
View the Brainfuse classroom video