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How it Works

Brainfuse is the only online tutoring provider with demonstrated success in ESSA Tier 1 controlled studies.​

Give students the help they need when they need it most

Easy to Use

In addition to robust drawing, audio, video, and file-sharing, our unique platform features let students interact with tutors using pencil and paper. And our AI translation function enables communication in virtually any language.

Data Dashboard

Our dashboard displays all the information you need for program success, including identifying students who are seeking help, session transcripts, usage frequency, and post-session tutor comments.

Unlimited Access

Our instant-access service allows students to get as much one-to-one help as they need, with no limits placed on frequency or session length. Options are also available for targeted, scheduled sessions, and group workshops.

The most widely-used online writing lab in the nation

For over two decades, Brainfuse has helped students become better writers.

Comprehensive Writing Support

Students receive live writing assistance or submit their written work (lab reports, essays, theses, etc.) for detailed analysis and feedback.

Support for Every Stage of Writing

Whether a student needs help developing an outline, reviewing a rough draft or brainstorming thesis topics, our tutors are trained to help.

Customizable Analysis

Our dashboard lets teachers inform Brainfuse writing tutors about the nature of the assignment and the level and type of analysis to apply.

Supports Teacher Efforts

Since our tutors help students become clear, organized, and concise writers, teachers have more time to focus on a paper's thoughts and ideas when grading.

Give all students tutoring support!

Helping tens of thousands of students each day across the United States

Unmatched Privacy and Security

We take security and privacy seriously. In addition to complying with all student privacy laws (COPPA, FERPA, and CSDPA), our tutoring system features multiple safeguards, including strict tutor vetting, live session monitoring, review of session transcripts, and AI-assisted texting filters. Brainfuse is also a signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge.

Actionable analytics for administrators

All the data you need to identify struggling students and glean valuable insights into curriculum design and implementation.

Stay in the Loop

View sessions, writing feedback, and tutor comments. See where and when students use the service and what types of subjects and courses generate the most questions. Monitor data at specific schools or your entire district.

Identify Areas of Need

Our dashboard give administrators insights into how students use the service, in which concepts they seek help, and overall student preparedness.

Customize your Reports

Use our dashboard to generate custom reports in the format of your choosing, and easily integrate data with your management software.

Stay informed every step of the way

Use our dashboard to gain valuable, actionable insights into your student’s needs.

Full Teacher Access

View sessions, writing feedback, and tutor comments to monitor student progress.

Actionable Data

Our dashboard displays all the information needed to identify individual and aggregate areas of academic need.

Tutor Comments and Flagged Sessions

Brainfuse tutors provide feedback regarding student mastery, skills covered, and a session's overall success. Such information is valuable for evaluating the efficacy of educational approaches, class materials, and instructional design.

A turnkey solution with seamless integration into your current procedures and practices

Brainfuse is easy to set up and maintain.

Dedicated Integration Team

We staff a dedicated integration team to set your district up quickly and without disruption.

Complete Support

Our tech team is experienced in making sure your program runs smoothly, and our academic team is committed to realizing your educational vision.

Training Throughout the Program

Our program managers provide training to administrators, teachers, parents, and all stakeholders to ensure program success.

Contact Us


Windows 95 or above
64 MB of RAM
Active Internet connection 28.8 Kb/s (dial-up accessible)


Mac OS X and above
64 MB of RAM
Active Internet connection 28.8 Kb/s (dial-up accessible)
Brainfuse Logo Full-Color
Our mission is to connect people who want to learn with experts who love to teach.


Download the ebook!

Learn what high-dosage tutoring is, why school districts are adopting it for accelerated learning, and how students and teachers benefit from it.