Brainfuse Logo Full-Color

Free Tutoring for Every Student

Brainfuse is the only online tutoring provider with demonstrated success in ESSA Tier 1 controlled studies.

Since 1999, Brainfuse has helped districts and other educational institutions provide 24/7 tutoring support to all students, regardless of academic level, English proficiency, or socioeconomic status.

Free tutoring without limits

Many students who need the most help are those least able to afford it. Since Brainfuse is paid for by districts, students can get as much help as they need, any time they need it.

Tutoring for ELL Students

We offer English, Spanish, and French-speaking tutors across all subjects. In addition, our translation feature allows tutors and students to communicate in virtually any language.

Security and Privacy

All Brainfuse tutors are vetted and must clear a background check. In addition, we monitor, record, and review all sessions.

What Clients Say

“I love this website for my child! She didn't understand her math and got a 45% on her first test. After getting help from a Brainfuse tutor, she got a 92%. Thanks, Brainfuse!”
High School Parent

Give all students tutoring support!

Give every academic help when they need it.

Whether your students are struggling with a homework assignment, need feedback on a term paper, or are studying for a test, our tutors are always just one click away from any desktop or mobile device.

Targeted Tutoring

Targeted, high-dosage tutoring based on a learning plan prepared specifically for each student.

Writing Lab

Students can get live writing assistance or submit a paper for detailed analysis from a Brainfuse writing expert.

On-Demand Tutoring

Students connect instantly with a live, online tutor from any desktop or mobile device for help with homework assignments and test preparation.

Skills Library

Thousands of state-aligned video lessons, flashcards, and practice tests in a wide range of subjects supplement tutoring sessions and offer opportunities for self study.

Contact Us


Windows 95 or above
64 MB of RAM
Active Internet connection 28.8 Kb/s (dial-up accessible)


Mac OS X and above
64 MB of RAM
Active Internet connection 28.8 Kb/s (dial-up accessible)
Brainfuse Logo Full-Color
Our mission is to connect people who want to learn with experts who love to teach.


Download the ebook!

Learn what high-dosage tutoring is, why school districts are adopting it for accelerated learning, and how students and teachers benefit from it.