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Help Teachers Succeed

Brainfuse is the only online tutoring provider with demonstrated success in ESSA Tier 1 controlled studies.

By reinforcing academic concepts and supporting students in and out of class, teachers have more time to focus on the areas of teaching that matter most.
“I will be certainly sharing this with the parents at my son's school. I don't think they know this resource is out here.”
Middle School Teacher

Give all students tutoring support!

Helping tens of thousands of students each day across the United States

Customize tutoring sessions

Teachers customize sessions by providing explicit instructions to tutors and attaching any relevant materials to use as the basis of the session.

Proactive Insights

Our dashboard helps identify students who need extra assistance, track progress, and determine the concepts and materials in which students struggle most. 

Contact Us


Windows 95 or above
64 MB of RAM
Active Internet connection 28.8 Kb/s (dial-up accessible)


Mac OS X and above
64 MB of RAM
Active Internet connection 28.8 Kb/s (dial-up accessible)
Brainfuse Logo Full-Color
Our mission is to connect people who want to learn with experts who love to teach.


Download the ebook!

Learn what high-dosage tutoring is, why school districts are adopting it for accelerated learning, and how students and teachers benefit from it.